Person-centred care

Competency Statement: The nursing student demonstrates the ability to plan and provide care that is respectful of the person’s individual needs, values and life experiences.


The nursing student:

  1. Discusses the meaning of person-centred care
  2. Describes how person-centred care impacts patient safety and wellbeing
  3. Outlines interpersonal skills that are consistent with a person-centred approach
  4. Describes strategies that can be used to support people to take responsibility for their health and wellbeing
  5. Describes when it is or is not appropriate to advocate for people

The nursing student:

  1. Demonstrates an ability to provide holistic care that takes into account the person’s current situation, previous experiences and life history
  2. Works in partnership with the person by including them in decisions and plans related to their healthcare
  3. Considers the person’s rights, preferences, needs and values when planning and providing care
  4. Supports the person to make informed choices about their healthcare
  5. Provides care with the person’s informed consent
  6. Demonstrates empathy by seeking to understand the person’s perspectives, views and feelings
  7. Demonstrates respect by maintaining the person’s dignity and privacy
  8. Advocates for people, if required, to ensure that their values, needs and preferences are upheld

Person-centred care is the central tenet underpinning the delivery of safe and effective nursing care. It is a holistic approach that is grounded in a philosophy of personhood. Person-centred care means treating each person as an individual, protecting their dignity, respecting their rights and preferences, and developing a therapeutic relationship that is built on mutual trust and empathic understandings.

Note: The term 'person' in this context refers to the patient, their family and/or significant others. In the case of a child, person-centred care also denotes family-centred care.