Evidenced-based practice

Competency Statement: The nursing student demonstrates the ability to provide care that takes into account best available evidence, clinical expertise and patient’s individual needs, values and preferences.


The nursing student:

  1. Describes different sources of evidence (e.g. empirical studies, clinical expertise, patient values and preferences)
  2. Outlines and discriminates between different levels of evidence
  3. Describes different approaches used to collect and collate data to inform evidenced-based practice
  4. Explains the terms validity, reliability, trustworthiness and credibility in reference to healthcare studies
  5. Explains how evidence-based practice influences the choice of interventions in the provision of effective patient care
  6. Describes personal strategies used to access nursing evidence to inform and improve patient care

The nursing student:

  1. Plans and provides healthcare based on the best available evidence
  2. Accesses, appraises and critiques multiple sources of evidence
  3. Uses information and communication technologies to access valid sources of evidence
  4. Considers clinical expertise as a valuable source of evidence
  5. Includes patient’s values and preferences as valid sources of evidence
  6. Provides rationales for patient care that are informed by the best available evidence
  7. Demonstrates ethical standards in the collection, interpretation and use of data

Evidence-based practice is the conscientious and explicit use of contemporary research, current evidence, clinical expertise and patient values to make decisions about patient care. Evidence-based practice requires the ability to search for, critically appraise, utilise and translate research into practice.